Thursday, April 15, 2010

Overcoming Pricing Objections

My friend Ajay is taking a beating in India, over pricing. It seems that his clients are prejudiced: they always make the discussion about price. Here are some suggestions to help change the pricing game...

Look at your watch. (Did you do it? Thanks) Is that the least expensive watch on the market today? **What?** It's not the cheapest on the market today? I am [almost but not really] shocked. Why not buy an inexpensive watch - - when every watch tells you the time, shouldn't you wear the cheapest one you can find?

Do you feel like you paid too much? Or maybe, you aren't wearing a watch. So let's apply this line of questioning to your cell phone...or your car...or your address...Here's my point:

I don't claim any expertise over the market in India, but I do know a lot about buyer behavior. The only antidote to prejudiced pricing discussions is value.

Why do you value your watch (cell phone, car, etc.)? Quality? Reliability? Or are there some intangibles - the way it makes you feel? The fact is that our personal purchases are driven by both fact and emotion. Which side wins can change depending on a number of factors, but both fact and emotion impact a purchase decision (any purchase decision). My question for you is: What is the _personality_ of the company you are selling into, and what are their emotional needs? (Are they heartless, cheap, and drive a hard bargain? OK, gotcha. So, What corporate needs are driving these descriptions?)

These needs may include prestige, quality, competitive advantage, profitability, a desire to make you squirm - - only you can fill in the blanks, I don't have enough information to go further. But money - pricing - is only /part/ of the value equation. The other part is what a particular product _means_ to the company. Another way to say this: What is the value of your brand?

It may seem strange to think of a company's emotional needs, but believe me: companies have personalities, whether in Kanpur, India or Kokomo, Indiana. Individuals run companies, individuals make buying decisions, individuals have emotional needs (as well as financial). While the budget may be fixed, my take on any discussion about pricing would include a thorough understanding of the puts/takes of the emotional appeal of your solution. If you say, "there is no emotional appeal to our solution" then I would respectfully reply, "you haven't thought this all the way through".

And for the record, you have a very nice watch! ;-)

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