Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's On On Your Website?

The easiest way to increase the power of your website is to create an effective video. Yet, for corporate online videos, there are a couple of key considerations that companies face:

  1. Cost and Time Investment: What will it take to create a really professional video? How much time is involved? Should the video be one minute, five minutes, 10 minutes, or...?
  2. Looking Good: How do I know I won't embarrass myself on camera? Your flip video will capture the moment...but, what moment will you capture (especially if you are representing a business online)?
Shooting a video is simple. Shooting a good video can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. To take your company's brand to a new level, find a professional that you can trust, with a proven track record of helping companies to look good online. It takes more than a cameraman to capture your authentic story - consider a coach that can help you to tell your story online. Because, after all, who can tell your story better than you?

How to increase your website conversion rates, improve sales, and enhance your Web 2.0 marketing strategy

Your brand deserves a professional video presence on the web. Here’s why:

  • SEO: Maximize your impact on Google with effective video (your chances of being listed first on Google search results are 53x better with video!)
  • Conversion rates increase by 200% or more on websites featuring quality videos
  • Last year, the number of video views doubled to over 33 Billion, and that number is growing exponentially this
  • Over 86% of US Households watch videos online
  • Executive leaders, students and individuals can present a tech-savvy individual brand online with effective and professional video
  • Customers and companies are online looking for you – and they want to know who you are and what you can do.
  • The camera never lies: Video is trusted more than written words or still images. Video is widely regarded as the most authentic media online.
  • Anyone can write a story, but no one can tell your story like you.
For Dallas video production services, or Fort Worth video production services, there are a number of choices. Make sure you find a company you can trust, that fits your budget. With the online audience that's out there for video, it's smart to invest in a professional service.